$pending Profile
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What is Spending Profile?

SpendingProfile.com is an online record of your finances. Track your spending by recording your purchases and assigning them to categories. The graphs then show the overall breakdown and represent your personal spending profile.

Instant results
Every time you make an entry, all graphs and summaries are automatically updated.

It`s Online!
Access your account from anywhere. Whether you`re at work, at home, or on vacation, you can always sign in and add your latest information. No software to download! Just create an account and sign in!

No guesswork involved
Stop guessing what you can and can`t afford! Let us do the analysis based on your real-life data. With your spending profile, you will know your finances inside out and always be up-to-date.

Your own categories
You create your own categories that reflect your lifestyle.

You can specify the vendors you buy from. This allows you to see where you shop the most and least.

Import transactions from your bank
With a single click, import your transactions from your bank or credit card! No need to enter every purchase by hand! Save time with this feature.


What about Income?
Yes! You can also enter income. The balance of income - expenses is shown at the bottom of the transaction list on the main page.

Bar and line graphs show your spending habits over time. It`s easy to spot trends this way!