New Budgeting Blog

This is my new blog which accompanies my website It’s a place to talk about all things related to money. How good… or bad! are your spending habits? Have you ever created a budget? Can you mangage credit cards, or do they mangage you? Talk about it here on my blog!

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2 Responses to New Budgeting Blog

  1. Charbel Choueiri says:

    Hello, I just started using and realized that I’ve almost exceeded my monthly spending. Usually I revert to my line of credit or visa. I guess I’ll be holding off purchasing that LCS screen till next month!!!
    It is amazing what you discover when you start tracking your spending.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi, I think that everyone should at least try out budgeting at least once. It’s a good way to track your spending and omit certain items which is not necessary to your spending. Check this out